Ultimate Reliability, Product Life Cycle Optimization and Engineering Solutions for Aerospace & Defense OEMs

Reliability, Product Life Cycle Optimization and Engineering Solutions for Aerospace & Defense OEMs
Defense contractors must meet challenging requirements for high reliability in harsh, mission critical environments. Intense product qualification and long life-cycles for low-to-moderate volume products are a way of life for manufacturers of military equipment.
As a leader among military wire harness manufacturers, Segue has worked with a variety of defense customers to streamline product development, respond to engineering changes, improve reliability, lower costs, and demonstrate excellence in manufacturing agility.
A 30+ year partner to some of the most recognized OEMs, Segue is a proven partner in the manufacturing of Defense & Aerospace electronics.
OEMS rely on Segue as an agile contract manufacturing partner capable of providing design and manufacturing expertise in close partnership to meet challenging objectives.
To Aerospace & Defense OEMs, Segue Delivers:
Design Expertise
Segue collaborates as an integrated design team member with several military equipment suppliers to concurrently design complex cables and related sub-assemblies that are incorporated into the customer’s overall system design.
Additionally, our rapid prototyping capabilities have assisted customers in meeting challenging qualification deadlines. We offer quick-turn molded and overmolded cables as well as prototype cables for design verification and qualification.
Military-Focused Production and Program Management Capabilities
Dedicated Program Manager for large projects providing a single point-of-contact
Wide Range of Testing Capabilities from automated cable testing to full functional test on sophisticated box builds
Agile Manufacturing Processes
- Manufacturing and delivery of durable and rugged cable assemblies on a kanban replenishment basis.
- We plan, document and ramp production using the latest techniques associated with DFM, DFT, JIT, Lean Principles and Vendor Managed Materials.
- Visual process procedures, dedicated tooling to ensure reliability
Ultimate Reliability & Quality
Process Capability: Workers trained to IPC-620, J-STD-001, and MIL-HDBK-454 and QA Standards by certified in-house instructors.
Material, process and test traceability as required
Small business designation for government contracts.
★★ Click here to learn why Aerospace & Defense Controls OEMs choose Segue Manufacturing ★★
Why Do Leading Aerospace & Defense OEMs Choose Segue Manufacturing Services?
First-rate customer service and delivery is core to our company’s customer experience, and so we need an electronics manufacturing partner that can manage all facets of our growth and deliver our complex printing equipment under tight deadlines. With large electromechanical expertise, global manufacturing capabilities and a ‘customer first’ mindset, Segue Manufacturing delivers.
Applications for Military Cable Assemblies

- Cargo and Vehicle Inspection
- Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Radiation detection
- Parcel Inspection
- Personnel Inspection
- Thermal, IR and UV imaging systems
- Radar Systems
- Electronic Flight Instrumentation
- Military robotic systems
- Electronic subsystems for unmanned air vehicles
- Mission critical networking
- Secure Communications
- Satellite communications and navigation
- Military Vehicle subsystems and wire harnesses
- Power distribution
- Explosive detection and detonation systems
- Weapons sighting systems

Segue's Design and Manufacturing of Military Cable Assemblies
We have extensive experience providing our military and defense customers with exceptional design expertise for complex cables and sub-assemblies that mesh with the overall design.
We also provide an extensive range of testing capabilities to ensure safety and fully reliable function of complex box builds.
You can count on Segue's 30+ years' experience and expertise to ensure that you receive design and manufacturing services that meet or exceed your expectations.
Aerospace & Defense Expertise: Quality Certifications & Registrations

IATF 16949:2016
Segue IATF 16949 Certification - USA & China

Segue's manufacturing facility in Xiamen, China is IATF 16949-certified. Although this standard reflects Automotive requirements, it's another indicator of the rigor of Segue's manufacturing processes.

ISO 9001: 2015
Segue ISO 9001 Certification - USA & China

Segue's manufacturing facilities in Boston, Massachusetts and Xiamen, China are ISO 9001-certified

Class 10,000 Clean Room
Segue ISO 7 / Class 10,000 Clean Room - China

Segue's Class 10,000 Clean Room enables us meet the stringent safety and high-reliability requirements for device and cable assembly and manufacturing.

Segue Manufacturing Quality Certifications, Registrations & Expertise